Sabita Singh - Advisor

Sabita Singh

LinkedIn Profile Writing
Advanced Lead Generation
Corporate LinkedIn Training

Sabita Singh is an executive coach who specializes in LinkedIn. Since launching her business in 2018, she has written more than 250 LinkedIn profiles for executives and entrepreneurs. Her
corporate client list includes Deloitte, Sonnet Insurance, Alpha Labs and Meridian Credit Union.

Named Top 15 LinkedIn Expert by Influence Digest in 2023, Sabita helps organizations activate their employees as brand ambassadors on LinkedIn to attract opportunities and talent. Prior to becoming a consultant, she was the head of the digital functions for companies including Sun Life Financial and KPMG in Canada.

Sabita Singh has been our strategic LinkedIn partner since 2022. She has worked hand in hand with me to build my LinkedIn profile. She has also written profiles for our executive team in Canada and the U.S. Her guidance has been instrumental in building our presence as thought leaders and attracting media opportunities. I would highly recommend Sabita to any organization seeking to build an authentic brand on LinkedIn.
– Canadian President of a Global Asset Management Company

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