Andrea Wojnicki - Advisor

Andrea Wojnicki

Executive Communication
Formal Presentation Skills
Personal Branding

Dr. Andrea Wojnicki is a renowned executive communication coach, speaker and podcaster. She earned her Doctorate of Business Administration from Harvard Business School, where her research focused on consumer psychology and interpersonal communication. Over the course of her career, Andrea taught in the MBA program at the University of Toronto, she worked in brand management, and she served on several boards.

Andrea created Talk About Talk to help ambitious executives catapult their careers by improving their communication skills through 1-on-1 coaching, corporate workshops, and online courses. Popular topics include demonstrating leadership & executive presence, formal presentation skills, and the power of personal branding. Andrea shares her thought leadership as an Inc. magazine columnist, as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Personal Branding, and as the host of the popular “Talk About Talk” podcast, with over 150 episodes and counting.

“Andrea’s one-on-one coaching has been transformational for me as I grow my business. I was having a hard time finding my authentic voice and it was holding me back.

Andrea’s help to develop my personal brand went deep, into the early experiences that shaped me, my values, what I will fight for, what I am against. The use of archetypes to find meaning in my story was imaginative and fun but also highly effective. The process Andrea created unlocked my confidence to share who I am, what I care about, and how I can help clients. Her actionable advice for how to communicate my personal brand was so clear I did it immediately after our session and it dramatically improved my LinkedIn profile.

The best part was I think Andrea was genuinely more excited about my success than I am. She is truly in my corner, cheering me on. I highly recommend Andrea for anyone who wants to nail their personal brand and learn how to communicate it to the world.”
– CEO, circular economy start-up

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